Law and policy scholar
Experienced in education and government policy
Advocate for prudent budgeting
Expertise in labor and employment law
Highly skilled in legal analysis
Career high school English teacher
Oath of Office
demands every board member act in accordance to rule of law and to the best of his or her ability
Rules of Order
to set expectations and provide consistency
Rules of Law
are not optional and must be followed at all times
True Transparency
is doing ALL town business in Open Meeting
of all codified rules without exception
Highest Standards in Budgeting and Financial Management
to ensure proper stewardship of YOUR tax money
Low Tax Burden
comes from strategic budgeting and best practices
Accessibility and Accountability
means answering to YOU for all board decisions
Present: Northeastern University
Doctor of Law and Policy Candidate
2022-2023: Johns Hopkins University
Studied Democracy and Governance
2017: Champlain College
Master of Science in Law,
Specialization in Labor and Employment Law
Suma Cum Laude
2007: University of Massachusetts Lowell
Bachelor of Art in English Literature
Minor in History
Cum Laude
Present Committees
Newbury, NH Select Board
Planning Board
Septic Regulation
Vice Chair Kearsarge Regional School District School Committee
Policy Committee
Negotiation Committee
Representitive on Municipal Budget Committee
2021-2023 Newbury, NH
Housing Committee
CIP Committee
Planning Board, Alternate
2015-2020 United Teachers of Lowell
Vice President of Secondary Education
Union Representative
Executive Board Member
Contract Negotiator
Search Committees
Blue Ribbon Committees
2018-2020 American Federation of Teachers
Vice President
Executive Board member
Covid Crisis Team
2006-2020, 2022 High School English Teacher